Credibility Boosters for a High Conversion Funnel
One thing I always say is, you are not selling a program, you’re not selling advice, you’re selling trust. So today we are going to discuss the top five credibility boosters to increase high ticket funnel conversions. You’ve heard of the saying, people buy from people they know, like and trust. Now here’s the problem, in the marketplace on social media there’s so much noise. Everybody kind of look the same. Anyone can make a video. Anyone can use their phone or the camera and they can pose. And from the prospect’s perspective, it’s very difficult to differentiate. The best way to differentiate yourself from all your competitors is through proof. What other people say about you is infinitely more powerful than what you could say about yourself. So credibility booster number one, professional design and brand. Remember, you are a brand. You’re not just a coach, you’re not just a consultant, you’re not just an expert. You are a brand.
Dan Lok it’s a brand. This brand’s worth a lot of money and I built that brand from scratch. Everything that you do, your design, your logo, your color. Here’s one of my books, The Closers Black Book, one of the most expensive closing books in the world sells for $995. At Dan Lok Shop we’ve sold thousands of these. Why? Because it’s a brand. Keep in mind if you want to charge high ticket, you got to look high ticket. You can’t charge high ticket and look like a bum, it doesn’t work that way. Professional design and brand. Don’t go to Fiver and try to get some design for five bucks. It’s going to cost you money in the long run.
Number two, testimonials. And I’m not talking about feel good testimonials like your client saying, hey, you are nice and he’s nice. No, I’m talking about results driven testimonials. By using what you teach them, by using your system, by attending your training, they get this kind of result. During this amount of time you want to have a lot of testimonials. So that’s credibility booster number two. Number three, reviews. Reviews on your products. What people are saying about your products, about your program, about your coaching, reviews. It could be something small. It could be a review on a book. It may not be a testimonial but it’s a review on a low ticket product that you have. It helps to build trust in the marketplace.
Case studies. The difference between a testimonial and case study is this, a case study typically is like a success story. It has a lot of details. Think about it’s just like a case study. A case of here’s where they were, the problems they were experiencing and what they did. The turning point and then after the results. Sometimes your prospects might just read bits and pieces of it. That’s okay because they need to know that other people just like them who have experienced tremendous results. So case studies. Take a little bit of time, go back to your best clients and interview them to create these case studies.
Credibility booster number five, data and statistics. Maybe you are just getting started. Maybe you don’t have a lot of clients. Maybe you don’t have case studies. That’s okay. See what you could pull from the internet, statistics that support your claim, that support your case, that support your value proposition. You’re pulling data demonstrating, hey look, the data sets we’ve got this problem and this problem will continue. Here’s how I could help you to prevent that or solve this problem. You could get started that way as well. One of the statistics that we use all the time is $34.2 billion. What does that mean?
Documented revenue that we could prove that my clients and mentees have used my high ticket methodologies to produce revenue that they would not have been able to produce without my methodologies. And I put that in my book. Why do you think I could charge 995, a thousand bucks for a book? Not because the paper, not because of the ink, what’s inside. They’re buying proven processes, they’re buying proven results. So make your case, use these credibility boosters in what you do. You are very good at what you do. I know that, but other people need to sing your praises too because people are skeptical. There’s so much noise in the marketplace, prove to them without a shed of a doubt that you are the best brand, the best person to help them to solve their problems. Then it’s easy for you to scale and it’s easy for you to impact the world. Remember that. Until then, go high ticket.