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Can you coach people more successful than you? When I was getting started, I was a copywriter in my early twenties, and then I started transitioning to doing some marketing consultation for business owners. All my clients back then were more successful than me because I was just a young guy, 20 some years old. They all run pretty good businesses. So they were all more successful than me. See one of the things about coaching or consulting. And I believe why I love this industry is you get paid to learn. Not only you are solving problems for your clients, but you are also learning from your clients. And one of the advantages I have over the years as a consultant is I get to see different industries. I get to work with different entrepreneurs and business owners, and I could see, Hey, what is working in this industry?
What’s working in that industry. What is happening? And I’m, I’m getting paid to learn. I’m learning a lot from my clients, right? And eventually what I notice is I’m becoming more successful. I’m learning from them. I’m solving their problems. You have to understand no one gets up in the morning and say, Hey, this is a good day. Let me buy myself some coaching, no one wants coaching. No one wants to buy coaching. They want the result from the coaching. They want their problem solve. They want less headaches. They want less suffering. They want more success. They want more money. They want more freedom. They want more time off. They want better relationship. That’s what they’re buying, but no one buys coaching. You have to recognize that. And what I notice as I become more successful, I, I track more successful clients so I can see this relationship, right?
And nowadays I have some clients that are more successful than me, but most of my clients, they are not at my level yet. Right. They want to get to my level. They want to get to, Hey, how do I get to that level that you are at? Or even a fraction of that, right? Because I just have so much experience over the years and not because I’m so brilliant and smart because I’ve worked with a lot of people after so many years, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out, Hey, there are certain principles. There’s certain strategies. They just work. There are time tested and it works for different types of industries. And you will see, Hey, this is very, very interesting. And when you share those strategies with your new clients and they think you’re brilliant, it’s not that you are brilliant. It’s not that I’m brilliant.
It’s just, Hey, I’ve seen this before. It’s like a path I’ve walked down this path before. Of course, I know. Maybe there are certain shortcuts that we could shortcut your learning curve. So can you coach someone more successful than you? Not only you could do it, you should do it because you’ll learn a lot from them. You solve a problem for them. It elevates who you are, expands your comfort zone. And as you become more successful, you attract more and more these type of clients. They’re not buying you to forget about that. It’s not about you. It’s about them. Could you help them? If you could help them, then you should do your very best to serve those clients until then go high ticket.