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I was working with an expert and he has a webinar sequence. Basically after people watched his webinar, they would book a call with his sales team and he was struggling getting people to showed up for the call. Basically he’s only got 50% of the people showing up and 50% nohow. So that’s costing him a lot of money, basically kind of like a leaky bucket. So he came to me and said, hey Dan, you know, what can I do to reduce no-shows? So I gave him five strategies to reduce his no Show. And which is the same five strategies that I’ll be teaching you today. Now that took his no-show from 50%, no show to only 20% no-show by implementing these five simple steps and we are still tweaking it. There are still a lot of things that he could do. Now. Number one, understand this, that even after your prospect goes through your webinar or some kind of video sales letter, they hit your booking page. Your job is not done unless they book a call with you or your team, you will not be able to help them. So that’s a leaky bucket. A lot of coaches, consultants, and experts have. So getting them to watch your video, getting them to watch your webinar. That’s one thing by getting them to book and actually showing up that’s completely different.
So strategy number one, after they watch a video or webinar, instead of just having a booking page, like a Calendly or some sort of booking page, you want to put them through what I call a questionnaire or some kind of survey or some kind of assessment. Why? Because you get them involved, not just booking a call, but they just enter a little bit more information before they hit the booking page. This simple strategy you will see that would reduce your no-show. So put an assessment on application before they actually book a time with you or your team.
Number two, don’t give them too many options. When you are letting them to book a time with your team, don’t give them 10 choices a day. And then 30 days in advance, they are confused. Instead of doing that, what I would recommend is give them no more than one week in advance, right? So no more than seven days. Sometimes no more than three days, just a few options per day. A confused mind always says no. So give them few options. In terms of time, slots and date to choose from, you’ll see that you’ll be getting more people booking an appointment with you or your team.
Number three, on the confirmation page, you create a simple video, kind of like this. You have to sell them on the call, not the outcome. Just simply focusing on selling the call, the appointment. Why is it important for them to book, right? And then after they book a call on the confirmation page, you also have another video with testimonials, case studies or videos and things like that. So you’re selling them on the call after they book, you are then selling them again, why they should actually follow through and be on the call. Don’t underestimate. People are busy just because they book a call. Doesn’t mean they’re gonna be there. So make sure on the thank you page, don’t waste that valuable real estate have video testimonials have case studies there so people can see, okay, you you’ve gotten a lot of results for a lot of people. Hmm. Maybe I’ll be on the call. So that’s strategy number three.
Strategy number four, very simple. I use HubSpot. You could use any software. It could be Calendly, right? And that is to send them text and email reminders, right? People are forgetful. People are busy, just, just doing simple things like that. You will see that you have more people showing up for the appointment. Strategy number five, and we’ve used this very successfully in our business, and that is to ask for a confirmation for the actual appointment. So we’ll send them an email a couple days before the actual appointment to say, hey, can you reply to this email to confirm your appointment with us? If they don’t reply, chances are they won’t show. So that’s another thing that you can do. So the process is actually pretty simple. You gotta sell them why they should book a call. Don’t assume they know they don’t know. And then you gotta sell them why they should actually follow through and be on the call and block out a time. And then you gotta hit them with reminders, text, and email, and then also get them to reply and confirm that appointment. If you do these things compared to most experts and coaching consultants, they do very, very little. They do very little. You have to get them on the call and once you get ’em on the call, if you watch my other videos, you’ve done my training. You know that how to close those high ticket sales. Once you get them on the phone, game over, I know you’ll be able to close them, but it’s getting their person on the call. That’s the most important thing. Until then, go high ticket.