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Hey, this Dan Lok. If you don’t know me, we have generated over a hundred million dollars in coaching consulting and digital core sales in the last couple years alone. Now today’s topic. We are going to talk about seven best questions. You could ask your consulting and coaching clients. I was just doing a one-on-one consulting before coming into the studio and film this episode. And I thought, Hey, you know what? There are a number of questions that I use all the time when I am consulting with somebody. And I just kind of jot these down here, I thought I would share with you and they would benefit you as well. Now, sometimes you wanna give advice. You want to solve problems for your clients, but sometimes questions are the answers as a good coach, as a good consultant, you have to know how to ask good questions.
So these are the seven best questions that I use all the time, almost on a daily basis. Question number one, can I coach you on this? Now I use this question a lot, especially if I am conducting some sort of event, why don’t coach without permission? Don’t just, Hey, let me give you the answers. No, I always ask for permission. First. When someone shares a problem with me, I would say, Hey, can I coach you on this? Because by asking for permission, now I could be direct right now. I’m asking them, Hey, are you coachable? And they say, yes, then I coach. So can I coach you on this number two? What is the one thing you want to get out of today’s session? I use this all the time. So in the beginning of the session, I would say, Hey, what is the one thing that you want to get out of today’s session?
The last thing I want is by the end of session, I say a bunch of things and they say a bunch of things. And at the end, the client is not getting what they want. I want to make sure that we are very clear of what are we gonna accomplish as a team. So I use this question all the time. What is the one thing that you want to get out of? Today’s session, question number three. What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now? I want to know kind of what’s going on, right? What’s what’s been bothering them. How could I help them solve the problem? So that’s question number three, question number four. One of my favorite. If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about your life or your business, what would that be? And what led you to choose that?
So this is kind of the magic wand question. Now they might say, if this could happen, that would be great. If this could happen, that would be great. I love that question because it is a question of possibility, not just problems, I’m focusing on solving the problems, but at the same time, Hey, let’s dream a little bit. Let’s think a little bit bigger. Let’s talk about what is possible, right? Not just focusing on what’s going on now, but let’s focus on the future question number five. This is usually when I have a client that is going through a tough time, or they just had some sort of incidents within the companies I would ask. What do you think is causing this? It’s a very powerful question. Why? Because usually when they’re saying, Hey, I’ve got employee problems, I’m not getting enough leads. I’m not getting as much traffic.
My offer’s not converting or whatever it might be. What do you think is causing this? This question immediately gives them control because it teaches them how to take responsibilities. And they would say, well, maybe because of me and almost without exception, it is because of them. But you cannot tell them that you cannot just say, oh, it’s your fault. No. What do you think is causing this question? Number six. What have you learned from this? If your clients are going through a tough time and you just ask them this, cuz they could be venting. They’re like complaining and being a little bit of victim and say, Hey, what have you learned from this? Well, nothing. No. What have you learned from this? Well, I guess I learned B, C and D. What else have you learned from this? Well, I learned this, these things. Okay.
What would you do differently next time? See, now they’re getting the lessons. Now you’re teaching them how to reflect question number seven. Usually I ask this at the end of my one on one call. My coaching session is what is your plan of action? What is your plan of action? Now you’ve taken everything you’ve talked about in that 45 minute or that one hour or the 30 minute now, what is your plan of action? Now you can hold them accountable. Now before you come back and talk to them again, these are the actions that they are committed to taking. So those are the seven questions. Those are my go-to questions. I use all the time. When I am with a coaching or consulting client, I hope you enjoy them until next time, go high ticket.