High Ticket Closing Step By Step Guide
Has this ever happened to you? You’re on the phone with a prospect, and you talk for 30, 45 minutes, maybe 60 minutes. By the end of that call, you make your high ticket offer and they say, “Well, that sounds good. I’m interested. But I want to think about it.” Ugh, don’t you hate those words? I want to think about it, or I will think about it. I will talk it over with my partner, I will talk it over with my spouse.
You have to understand this, when you get that objection, that’s actually not the problem. They’re not saying, “I’ll think about it.” That’s not the issue. When you hear this objection, I want to think about it? What I actually means is one of these three things. Number one, I don’t trust you enough. I need more information, I need more proof. That’s actually what they are saying. Number two, I don’t see why I need to solve this problem right now. They lack urgency. Number three is, I can’t afford it, I just don’t want to tell you. Buyers are liars, they lie. They don’t want to tell you the truth, so to save face, your face or theirs they say, “I’ll think about it. I’ll get back to you.” They never do, and they ghost you, and you never hear from them again.
How to solve this problem? If you’re making this mistake and you hear this objection again and again, and again? What it means is, this is a symptom of what’s actually going on. The way that you’re talking to these prospects, there’s no urgency. The reason there’s no urgency is because there’s no pain. Write this down, no pain, no sell. No pain, no sell. The entire closing conversation should not, I’ll say it again, should not be a pleasant experience for your prospect. They should not all be smiley and happy. No, it should be about solving their problems. There’s got to be some pain.
One of the things that I teach is this. When you get them on the phone, you have to put them on a scale. A scale of one to 10, zero being not interested, five being neutral, 10 being very interested, they are ready to take action now. Where are they? If they are below a five, they are not so sure, and you talk about features, you talk about offers, you talk about your deliverables, you talk about what they get? They are not going to buy. They are not there yet. You have to turn up the heat and get the pain to eight or nine. When you get them there, eight or nine in terms of needs? Now you can talk about here’s what we do, here’s how we can solve your problems.
Master High Ticket Closing and Eliminate Objections
When you do it properly, when you make your high ticket offers at the right time to the right person? They would buy. Then you don’t get this objection, oh, I’ll think about it, I don’t know, I’ll get back to you. You don’t get that, because you are not even making the offer until the eight or nine or 10. How do you do that? You do that through a series of questions. You do that by asking strategic questions, and you let them talk. Don’t make the mistake of oh, let me just make my offers early. No, no. The right offer, at the right time to the right prospect, that’s how you close those high ticket offers. Until then, go high ticket.